Friday, June 24, 2011

Language, and laziness

There is an explosion of new words around here. Lately: tea, bubbles, kid. As in: "I wanna watch that YouTube video of the kid and the bubbles and pretend to drink tea out of Mama's empty cup," which is what is happening as we speak.  So yes, this language and this desire stems out of me letting Shay sit on my lap at the computer and watch YouTube videos on one side of the screen while I try to look at e-mail or play my scrabble moves or update this blog on the other side of the screen.  I feel mildly guilty about this, like, I know I should be reading to him or taking him to the park or something -- but then, sometimes Mama needs to drink tea and read email for a sec. And, apparently, my lazy behavior is helping him learn new words, right? Right?

Okay, my short companion is shouting "Car!" now, so off I go to the other side of my computer screen to watch the "Cars" trailer for the eleventy millionth time.  Hope your summer is educational so far!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray - you're blogging again! I miss reading your posts... Glad to see you back here again!
