Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Receptive Language

Shay is understanding more and more of the things we say, and my new favorite part of being his mom is watching his language develop.  So far he doesn't say any recognizable words--he definitely says a lot of "mamamamama" but not really directed at me; he'll say "--g" for dog; he babbles with a sort of underwater sound a lot.  I think he is saying a lot of things, just not in ways that I totally understand yet.  But he is definitely receiving language in ways that I can perceive.

He follows all kinds of directions, all of a sudden, and it takes me by surprise.  I have always talked to him, narrated things for him, asked him questions, etc., but it has long been more of a monologue than a conversation; however, now I notice that he's answering my questions in ways that he can--waving when I tell him to wave bye-bye, pointing across the room at his dump truck when I ask him where it is, choosing the book he wants to read when I offer him two choices.

This morning, after he had his own breakfast, I fixed myself a bowl of oatmeal, and he really desperately wanted bites, and kept pointing up to my bowl.  It was super hot, so I was trying to blow on bites before feeding them to him, but I could tell it was still too hot by the way he was squinching up his face with each bite.  "It's still really hot, Buddy," I told him.  "Can you wait for a minute?"

He waved, and looked up at me expectantly.

If, in this mysterious world, you need to wave for a minute to get oatmeal, he's ready to do it.


  1. That is awesome. It really makes you think about everything you say, doesn't it? Knowing that this little sponge with ears is sitting there.

    Also he is obviously a genius.
