Sunday, January 9, 2011

Reading Material

Early this morning, I was sitting with Shay on the living room floor, playing a hybrid driving-trucks-reading-books game.  He was driving his dump truck around and then thrusting a book into my hands to read, and I was reading the books and then loading them into the scooper thing of the dump truck; you know, your usual lazy Sunday morning activity. Why, what were you doing at 6am?

We read his favorite counting book and his favorite shapes book, and a new book with a finger puppet puppy.  Then, I was trying to get him to choose this new, beautifully illustrated board book of A Child's Garden of Verses that I just picked out for him, but instead, he found a workout DVD that I got for Christmas, and handed it to me expectantly.  "It's not really a book," I explained, and tried to put it down, which reduced him to tears.  So, I read the front cover, popped it open and read a few words off the DVD itself, popped it closed, and read the back cover. Nineteen times.  Why, what were you doing at 6am?

Now, he is down for a nap, and I am sort of wondering if it was a hint, like, was my child really telling me that my butt looks fat, when he handed me that DVD?  Should I do that workout, while he naps?  But I am almost done with Patti Smith's new autobiography of her early days with Robert Mapplethorpe, and maybe I earned the chance to curl up on the couch with coffee and a book, after all the early morning truck driving and DVD reading?

Hope your Sunday is lovely and lazy.


  1. I can remember Tor driving me crazy wanting the same books over and over again. His favorites were a series with titles like "When you...", "How to...", "Where is...", etc... And he loved any books about snakes and sharks. Funny that now that he is 20 his favorite TV shows are Planet Earth and Life narrated by David Attenborough and How Stuff Works on the Discovery Channel!

  2. At this rate, Shay is going to be either a truck driver with really good dental hygiene, or a dentist who's into monster truck rallies. ;-)
