Friday, February 11, 2011


I give up: after trying to offer him numerous "lovies," blankets, and stuffed animals, Seamus's official security blanket is a sleep sack. He couldn't care less about satin or silky edging on the blankets that are advertised as "lovies" and that I tried to get him to buy into, but he finds zippers comforting, apparently.  He picks up the sleep sack and then twirls it around until he locates the zippered side, which he sucks and rubs against his cheek.  He carries it all around the house.  When I hand it to him, his eyes start to droop.  Here he is yesterday, ready to fall asleep yet mesmerized by the carwash.

Since he still wears a sleep sack at night, this is a convenient choice.  I'm getting the feeling, though, that even when he outgrows the sleep sack as part of his pajama situation, he'll still want to snuggle with the nice zippery sack.


  1. Definitely more attractive than a pacifier!

  2. That is so funny! You gotta go with what works. I think I would have let my kids carry around a toilet brush if it put them in the mood for sleep.

  3. Sweet! I am a big fan of lovies! I'm sure you have thought of this...but make sure you have a couple on hand. When one gets peed or vomited on it's nice to have a backup! ;)

  4. Yes, good idea, Amy! He has a couple that don't match but that seem equally desirable in his eyes...
