Monday, February 14, 2011

Gah Guck!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!  It is a quiet, rainy day in these parts.

We have another new word in our house: fire truck.  It sounds more like "gah guck" than "fire truck," but there is a definite association between the word and the thing.  Dude has a little toy fire truck as well as numerous books with pictures of fire trucks in them -- he will point all of them out and announce "gah guck!"; we also live in a city and so we hear numerous sirens go by our apartment every day -- and when he hears a siren, he'll point up to the window and shout "gah guck!"  He has a fire truck printed on the shirt he's wearing today, and he showed everyone in Trader Joe's: "gah guck!"

That's pretty much all that's going on around here.  Oh, except that I'm also trying to make a custard to go with this rhubarb tart that I bought at a nearby Irish bakery, because it's Valentine's Day and Patrick loves rhubarb and pretty much any dessert that I make or buy prompts him to say, "Hmm, this would be nice with a nice custard."  So I am trying, even though custard is sort of an unfamiliar concept to me.  I feel like with desserts where I would be accustomed to seeing ice cream or whipping cream served on the side, Patrick would be accustomed to seeing custard. Is that an American/Irish thing?  Or is my ice cream/whipping cream expectation a Western/California thing?  Anyway, the recipe said it should bake for 45-50 minutes or until it sets and a knife comes out clean, and it has been in the oven for over an hour and it's still not setting.  Is that normal?  Send help! Preferably help that arrives on a gah guck with its sirens blaring, as that would really please my short valentine.

1 comment:

  1. Custard does take a long time -- an hour doesn't seem too long...
